Onions now smell different in Odisha

Rotten onions stink, and in the past any Indian farmer who kept his crop for months after harvest was all too familiar with the smell.  But thanks to a WorldVeg project in the eastern state of Odisha, India, farmers who keep their onions now experience the sweet smell of success and the promise of much higher incomes.

2017-09-15T01:17:01+00:00September 7, 2017|Categories: Articles, SEP2017, South and Central Asia|Tags: , |

Drying their best

In Manyara, Arusha, Kilimanjaro and Tanga regions of Tanzania, WorldVeg is working with local communities to build family solar dryers for vegetables. The work, supported by the Amsterdam Initiative Against Malnutrition (AIM), provides people with the means to process vegetables for later use—and to explore the production of new food products to extend the vegetable value chain.

2017-07-25T05:13:25+00:00July 25, 2017|Categories: Articles, Eastern and Southern Africa, JULY2017|Tags: , |

Characterization of pre- and postharvest losses of tomato supply chain in Ethiopia

Results indicate that tomato production is being done by relatively young married individuals who have at least primary level education. More than 16% of respondents encounter produce losses due to high incidence of diseases, insect pest and mechanical injuries, each of them accounting for more than 20% of postharvest losses.

2017-04-25T05:40:04+00:00April 25, 2017|Categories: APR2017, Recent Research|Tags: , , |

A true postharvest professional

On 21 March 2017, Postharvest Specialist Roseline Marealle travelled to Kigali, Rwanda to participate in a workshop on “Postharvest Technologies for Perishable Crops” for a small group of young horticultural professionals. During the event she received the Kader Award from the Postharvest Education Foundation (PEF) in recognition for her outstanding effort in providing education to local farmers, traders, processors and marketers and helping them to reduce food losses. Lisa Kitinoja, PEF founder, presented the award.

2017-05-02T03:49:45+00:00April 24, 2017|Categories: APR2017, Eastern and Southern Africa, PHOTO OP|Tags: |

How to produce the best dried vegetables

Short growing seasons limit the availability of vegetables in many locations in Africa and Asia. The World Vegetable Center is tackling this problem by promoting consumption of dried vegetables when fresh vegetables are in short supply. --MORE--

WorldVeg staffer wins postharvest award

WorldVeg Eastern and Southern Africa Postharvest Research Associate/Nutritionist Roseline Marealle recently received the 2016 Kader Award for Postharvest Training from the Postharvest Education Foundation. The foundation presents the award to an outstanding graduate e-learner or a team of e-learners after the successful completion of a year of training on commodity systems assessment, small-scale postharvest handling practices, postharvest demonstration design, postharvest training program design, and cost/benefit analysis. -- MORE --

2017-02-16T06:01:32+00:00January 9, 2017|Categories: Articles, Eastern and Southern Africa, In Brief, JAN2017|Tags: , |
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