Prize-winning photo promotes home gardens, seed saving in Tanzania

A photograph of home gardener Bibi Mwanaidi and her grandson with African nightshade seeds Mwanaidi harvested from her garden in Tanzania claimed second place in the Feed the Future 2017 photo contest. Photographer Rhiannon O'Sullivan, a communications volunteer from Australian Volunteers International who worked at WorldVeg Eastern and Southern Africa in Arusha, Tanzania in 2016, took the photo.

2017-02-27T00:19:24+00:00February 27, 2017|Categories: Eastern and Southern Africa, In Brief|Tags: , , , |

How promoting consumption of traditional African vegetables affects household nutrition security in Tanzania

Promoting the production and consumption of traditional vegetables is expected to enhance household nutrition among urban and rural households. The Good Seed Initiative (GSI) program promoted production and consumption of nutrient-dense traditional African vegetables in Tanzania to reduce malnutrition. We estimated the impact of promotion activities on dietary diversity for households, women, and children.

2017-02-13T23:53:35+00:00February 3, 2017|Categories: Recent Research|Tags: , |

Impact of nutritional perceptions of traditional African vegetables on farm household production decisions: A case study of smallholders in Tanzania

Smallholders tend to grow more traditional vegetables than larger-farm operators. Thus, more attention should be given to reducing production and its associated transaction costs by ensuring timely access to quality certified seeds, ensuring optimal use of inputs and increasing labour productivity, particularly for smallholders.

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