stories from the July 2019 issue of FRESH

Processing tomatoes for plump profits!

India is the world’s second-largest tomato producer but processes less than 1% of its harvest. To ensure tomato growers, processors and consumers benefit from the best tomato fruit available, the World Vegetable Center shared two top-performing dual purpose (fresh market and processing) tomato breeding lines with the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) - Indian Institute of Horticultural Research (IIHR) on 24 June 2019 at GIC-India headquarters in Bengaluru.

2019-08-13T03:09:11+00:00June 26, 2019|Categories: Briefing, In Brief, JULY2019, PHOTO OP|Tags: , , |

WorldVeg in Ethiopia

Her Excellency Aynalem Nigussie Ali, State Minister of Agriculture of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, graciously welcomed a WorldVeg delegation on 17 June 2019 in Addis Ababa to discuss opportunities for collaboration. The team conducted a scoping study to determine how best WorldVeg can contribute to the country's efforts to expand vegetable production. Horticulture is a major driver of the agricultural sector in Ethiopia, and the government is expanding small-scale irrigation with fruit, vegetables and tubers as major target crops. The country seeks to establish year-round production, reduce postharvest losses, and increase use of its rich biodiversity of nutrient-dense traditional vegetables.

2019-08-13T03:10:33+00:00June 19, 2019|Categories: Briefing, In Brief, JULY2019, PHOTO OP|Tags: |
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