WorldVeg Training Courses

Train with WorldVeg! From one-day workshops to two-week-long courses, we offer a perfect solution to find the knowledge and skills you seek. Check this page regularly for new courses and updates to our training schedule.

2018-06-15T06:33:10+00:00June 15, 2018|Categories: Articles, JUN2018|Tags: |

Training in scientific methods

Tashkent State Agrarian University, the International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA), and the World Vegetable Center hosted a regional training course on vegetable production from 4-8 April 2017 in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. During the course, a group of 21 researchers, doctoral candidates, and master’s students from Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan learned how to choose among experimental models and collect and analyze field data in accordance with international standards for scientific research. They discussed the collection, preservation and use of the genetic diversity of agricultural crops to select and develop new varieties. The course reviewed diagnostics for pests and fungal, bacterial and viral diseases; soil fertility management; integrated crop management; greenhouse cultivation; seed production; and production economics. Each participant gave a report on their research activities to share their experiences and knowledge with the group, and to demonstrate how the knowledge they acquired will be of use in their practical work.

2017-04-24T03:39:54+00:00April 24, 2017|Categories: APR2017, PHOTO OP, South and Central Asia|Tags: , |

Partnership with HRDI to scale improved cucurbit lines

The Highland Research and Development Institute (HRDI), Thailand, a WorldVeg partner, hosted a 'Transfer of Technology' event in Huay Kayeang, Kanchanaburi Province on 15 March 2017 to showcase the superior performance of WorldVeg cucurbit lines to more than 300 farmers, who viewed the demonstration plots and sampled pumpkin fruit and other pumpkin treats. -- MORE --

2017-04-25T08:55:38+00:00April 24, 2017|Categories: APR2017, Articles, East and Southeast Asia|Tags: , , , , , |

Bangladesh genebank specialists strive to maintain seed quality

At the request of the Bangladesh seed industry and with financial support from seed companies, WorldVeg South Asia organized a three-day training course on “Maintaining Seed Quality” from 16 - 18 January 2017 at the Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI) in Gazipur. --MORE--

2017-03-13T01:42:04+00:00March 13, 2017|Categories: 2017 FRESH archive, Articles, FRESH, Latest News, MAR2017, South and Central Asia|Tags: , |

Attraction in Action: Promoting brassica and legume IPM in Lao PDR

Forty-four farmers including 20 women from Phaxang, Nadao, Phatang and Soksay villages gathered at Phaxang village in Kasi district of Vientiane Province, Lao PDR on 6 December 2016 to see the effectiveness of integrated pest management (IPM) strategies based on biopesticides on yard-long bean and vegetable brassicas. -- MORE --

2017-02-16T05:59:22+00:00January 24, 2017|Categories: Articles, FRESH, JAN2017|Tags: , , , , |
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