USAID visits WorldVeg in Tanzania

The USAID East Africa Regional Office team, on a learning trip in the Arusha, Tanzania area, made a stop at the World Vegetable Center Eastern and Southern Africa office on 21 August 2019.

Kathryn Begeal, Regional Feed the Future Coordinator, and trip coordinator Tracy McCracken, East Africa SPS Technical Advisor, led the group of eight USAID technical specialists in agriculture and trade.

Vegetable Breeder Fekadu F. Dinssa introduced WorldVeg and presented current activities and recent achievements in Africa. Scientist – Traditional Vegetables Conservation and Utilization Sognigbé N’Danikou guided the group through the genebank, Agronomist Thibault Nordey demonstrated biological controls and protected cultivation in the field, and Farm Operations Associate Omary Mbwambo showed the Demo Garden and updated the group on postharvest practices.

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