Training in all things cucurbit

Mr. Waqar Ahmed, Cucurbit Breeder from CKD Seeds & Fertilizers, Pakistan spent three weeks at the WorldVeg East and Southeast Asia Research and Training Station in Kamphaeng Saen, Thailand with the WorldVeg cucurbit team to learn more about nursery production, field preparation, hybridization techniques, field experiment planning, creation of field maps and field layout, data recording and analysis, fruit harvesting, seed cleaning and drying, and genebank inventory creation procedures.

His goal: To launch a cucurbit breeding program in his seed company and achieve rapid success!

“I express my gratitude for the great practical cucurbit breeding learning experience I had while working with WorldVeg cucurbit breeding team,” Waqar said of his stay in Kamphaeng Saen from 17 July to 8 August 2019. “I appreciate your team’s patience and politeness demonstrated throughout my stay in Thailand. This is a perfect place to learn the basics of cucurbit breeding and I will visit you again.”

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