APSA-WorldVeg Vegetable Breeding Consortium

APSA-WorldVeg VEGETABLE BREEDING CONSORTIUM WORKSHOP -- Asia and Pacific Seed Association (APSA) members with an interest in plant breeding for the development of improved vegetable varieties can now tap the knowledge and expertise of an internationally renowned leader in crop research by joining the APSA/WorldVeg Vegetable Breeding Consortium. Through the APSA/WorldVeg Vegetable Breeding Consortium, participating companies and WorldVeg researchers will have multiple opportunities to discuss and evaluate breeding approaches and discover new avenues to share data and progress.

2021-05-24T10:12:49+00:00January 13, 2020|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , |

Agribusiness Specialist

Jürgen Koch joined WorldVeg as an Agribusiness Specialist at WorldVeg Eastern and Southern Africa in Arusha, Tanzania. He holds an MS degree in economic science from Freie Universität Berlin, Germany. He previously served as Head of the East African component of GIZ's Competitive African Rice Initiative Programme in Tanzania funded by BMZ and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. His appointment with WorldVeg is co-funded through GIZ's CIM Integrated Experts Program. 

2018-09-03T09:17:57+00:00August 31, 2018|Categories: Uncategorized|
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