main articles from each issue of FRESH
From regenerative farming to diversified production in Kenya: the story of Violet Kageha
From regenerative farming to diversified production in Kenya: the story of Violet Kageha
From regenerative farming to diversified production in Kenya: the story of Violet Kageha
After a three month long […]
Story: Edmond Totin | August 04, 2023
In Kenya, there is a popular Swahili […]
Although tomato production in Ghana has intensified in recent years, well adapted locally bred disease resistant and heat tolerant tomato varieties are required to satisfy the demand for fresh market and processing tomato.
WorldVeg advocated African traditional Vegetables at TANZFOOD- the annual event for both the food industry and consumers – organized by the expo experts from KILIFAIR Promotions – Moshi/Tanzania.
The WorldVeg Ethiopia office held a field day for personnel from the Ministry of Agriculture, EIAR, Arsi University staff and students, agro-dealers and vegetable farmers to demonstrate the importance of Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) in tomato production.
V4P&P supports local communities by giving them a solid training on regenerative agricultural practices and business skills.
The collaborative research between the World Vegetable Center and Tanzania Agricultural Research Institute (TARI) for improving mungbean productivity in Tanzania has finally culminated in the release of new mungbean varieties.