PHOTO OP — April 2020


The World Vegetable Center Board of Directors convened their 57th Meeting via videoconference on 29 April 2020, checking in from diverse places (and time zones!): Australia, Philippines, USA, Malaysia, UK, India, Zimbabwe, Thailand, Germany, Canada, Japan and Taiwan. We thank them for sharing their time, advice, and good humor on behalf of WorldVeg!


The WorldVeg HQ Genebank Team harvested seed on 10 March 2020 from an incredible array of pumpkin diversity. The seed will be cleaned, dried, packed, catalogued and stored for the use of plant breeders, researchers and farmers.


WorldVeg entomologist Paola Sotelo-Cardona was in Assam, India during the first week of March 2020 to participate in several training activities organized by the Assam Agribusiness & Rural Transformation (APART) project. Local media reported on several of the sessions.


WorldVeg and the Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute (TARI) hosted a Field Demonstration of Vegetable Cultivars from Taiwan and Trade Fair on 3 March 2020 at the WorldVeg Research and Training Station, Kasetsart University, Kamphaeng Saen, Thailand. Thirty-six breeders, researchers and seed company participants viewed tomato, cherry tomato, cauliflower, and sweet corn varieties from Taiwan seed companies and discussed opportunities for future collaboration. (left to right) Delphine Larrousse, Regional Director, WorldVeg East and Southeast Asia; San-Tai Wang, Head and Associate Researcher, Department of Vegetable Crops, Fengshan Tropical Horticultural Experiment Branch, Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute (TARI); Somchit Pruangwitayakun, WorldVeg Vegetable Research and Training Officer.