Shaping vegetable consumption in Africa – a new paper sheds light on the role of social institutions

Role of social institutions in shaping vegetable consumption across Africa: a review – ScienceDirect


The fascinating study explores the role of social institutions in shaping vegetable consumption practices across Africa. Led by a group of WorldVeg scientists, this analysis of 62 academic papers covering 15 countries has helped to fill a knowledge gap, and offset an observed technological bias in vegetable development programs. The review shows that multiple institutions interact in promoting or constraining vegetable consumption, including cultural norms, personal perceptions and beliefs, with social norms seen to shape consumption more often for traditional vegetables than for exotic ones. It concluded that a greater consideration of the socio-institutional perspective, centered on understanding systemic influences, social identity, cultural norms and values, would likely enhance the effectiveness of food security and nutrition initiatives and policies in promoting behavioral change towards increased vegetable consumption and healthier diets.


Totin E, Ayimasse AF, Roncoli C, Schreinemachers P, Ayenan MAT, Harris J. 2024. Role of social institutions in shaping vegetable consumption across Africa: a review. Global Food Security, 41:100775.

This research was carried out with funding from the European Union and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands through the project “Safe locally produced vegetables for West Africa’s consumers (SAFE VEG)” – ID-4000003936, part of the DeSIRA program and implemented by the World Vegetable Center, Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement CIRAD and Wageningen University & Research (WUR), and national partners, the Institut National des Recherches Agricoles du Bénin (INRAB, Benin), Institut de l’Environnement et de Recherches Agricoles (INERA, Burkina Faso), and Institut d’Economie Rurale (IER, Mali).

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