posts about current projects
Greener Greens
Better evidence for agroecological-approaches to vegetable production supporting smallholder incomes and food security in Kenya.
posts about current projects
Better evidence for agroecological-approaches to vegetable production supporting smallholder incomes and food security in Kenya.
African vegetables, currently underutilized, are an affordable source of nutrients to diversify diets.
School gardens are the gateway to produce and promote nutrient-rich foods to students, parents, and the community.
Sustainable and climate-smart agricultural and post-harvest practices to increase vegetable consumption in urban and peri-urban areas.
Innovation in agricultural practices to increase farmer income and build a vibrant, resilient vegetable value chain.
Safeguarding vegetable biodiversity for food and nutrition security in Africa.
Collection and evaluation of virus-resistant pumpkin and other cucurbits.
Engaging women and youth in vegetable production and distribution networks to close the ‘vegetable gap’ and improve livelihoods and nutrition in Ethiopia and Kenya.
Learn more about the network and its outcomes, which will help to unlock the potential of mungbean to improve system productivity and livelihoods.