Analyzing schools as platforms to improve diets, livelihoods and the environment in East Africa

Can schools be a link to health and well-being for the entire community?

Start date: 1 August 2018
End date: 28 December 2018

This project aims to analyze schools as platforms to improve diets, livelihoods, and the environment in four countries in East Africa: Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda. WorldVeg will lead activities in Tanzania. The project is relatively small (~20,000 USD) and of short duration (Aug-Dec 2018). Nevertheless, this important study will pave the way for meaningful interventions to promote the importance of vegetables in schools, and link schools with the wider community for supply and support.

WorldVeg will engage in desk-based and limited field-based studies to (1) understand the current livelihood and food security contexts; (2) understand the current policy framework for school procurement; (3) understand market settings and opportunities for establishing farm-to-school networks.

Robina's students are learning to grow their own vegetables.

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