Give seedlings a growth boost!

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Applying starter solution to the plant base using a bag.
[wpcol_2third_end id=”” class=”” style=””] The conventional wisdom: It is impossible to apply concentrated fertilizer solutions to seedlings without killing them. Eight years of AVRDC research has shown this is not true and that the first few days after transplanting are critical to later plant growth.

Applying small quantities of highly concentrated liquid NPK fertilizer to young plants in dry soil immediately after transplanting is safe. This method can eliminate the need to apply large quantities of  fertilizers to a crop as it grows.

The starter solutions developed by AVRDC are up to ten times more concentrated than conventional starter solutions. They build up high nutrient gradients in the soil and provide young plants with readily available nutrients before root development. Safe concentrations vary with the vegetable species, soil type and location.

Starter solutions can effectively boost the early growth of many vegetables. They can significantly increase fertilizer efficiency compared with conventional practices, and may substitute for up to 50% of conventionally applied fertilizer.  Starter solutions are easy to make and use, reduce fertilizer applications, and decrease fertilizer residues in soil. Tomato, pepper, cucumber, cabbage and other leafy vegetables benefit from starter solutions, producing maximum yields when used in combination with other fertilization methods.

Read more:

  • Formulating starter solutions Ma CH, Palada MC. 2006. Fertility management of the soil-rhizosphere system for efficient fertilizer use in vegetable production. Extension Bulletin 586. Food and Fertilizer Technology Center (FFTC) Taipei, Taiwan.

  • Applying starter solution (Bahasa Indonesia)[/wpcol_2third_end]