— Healthier lives, more resilient livelihoods through greater diversity in what we grow and eat —
Our Featured Projects
Engaging women and youth in vegetable production and distribution networks to close the ‘vegetable gap’ and improve livelihoods and nutrition in Ethiopia and Kenya.
Sustainable and climate-smart agricultural and post-harvest practices to increase vegetable consumption in urban and peri-urban areas of West Africa.
Conserve and use African vegetable biodiversity to address malnutrition by increasing the production and consumption of nutritious vegetables.
The World’s Largest Public Vegetable Genebank
The World Vegetable Center genebank maintains a large collection of public domain germplasm for the current and future use of all humankind. We distribute seed samples of our germplasm accessions and advanced breeding lines worldwide.
With 65,152 accessions encompassing germplasm of 133 genera and 330 species from 155 countries, the World Vegetable Center genebank includes globally important vegetables such as tomato, onion, peppers and cabbage as well as more than 10,000 accessions of traditional vegetables.
Each year the Center distributes about 10,000 seed samples to researchers across the globe. Over the past four decades this has led to the release of hundreds of new vegetable varieties with particular impact in developing countries.
Global presence and impact
Center researchers lead and participate in projects throughout Asia and Africa. We have about 400 staff engaged in this spread of activities, and seek to partner with governments, nongovernmental organizations, universities, research institutes, and the private sector to promote prosperity for the poor and health for all.
2023 Africa Food Systems Forum (AGRF23)
WorldVeg at the Africa Food Systems Forum 2023 AGRF website |AGRF side event | Photo gallery WorldVeg-PABRA side event summary |WorldVeg - IFDC MoU signing summary We are proud to [...]
Farmers tell of immediate benefits from vegetable business networks in Benin
Farmers tell of immediate benefits from vegetable business networks in Benin Story: Edmond Totin | August 04, 2023 Athanase Dangbenon and Mathias Zannou showing part of the new irrigation infrastructure they [...]
Benin seed growers and market gardeners meet in the field
Benin seed growers and market gardeners meet in the field Seed producers and the primary users of the fruits of their labour meet in the field. Some to verify the performance of their [...]
WorldVeg’s Offices in Africa: 📍 Eastern & Southern Africa Office – 📍 West & Central Africa Office (Dry Regions) – 📍 West & Central Africa Office (Humid Regions)
Huge potential payoffs from pest resistant tomatoes in South Asia
Huge potential payoffs from pest resistant tomatoes in South Asia Tomatoes are the most popular and economically most valuable vegetable globally. In fact, it is the world’s fourth most valuable food crop. [...]
A stepping stone for sharing knowledge on vegetable cultivation in Korea
A stepping stone for sharing knowledge on vegetable cultivation in Korea 2023 is a meaningful year for both the World Vegetable Center (WorldVeg) and the NIHHS (National Institute of Horticultural and Herbal [...]
Enhancing innovation in vegetable breeding technology in Asia
Enhancing innovation in vegetable breeding technology in Asia The 17th Steering Committee Meeting of the ASEAN-AVRDC Regional Network for Vegetable Research and Development (AARNET) was held on 29-30 May 2023 at Universiti [...]
WorldVeg’s Offices in Asia: 📍 Headquarters in Taiwan – 📍 South & Central Asia Office – 📍 East & Southeast Asia Office
Latin America / Caribbean
Growth Habit
Perspectives to expand your view of vegetables

Visit HARVEST, the WorldVeg digital document archive:
WorldVeg’s Donors
Support for World Vegetable Center activities is provided by project donors and the following long-term strategic donors.
Thanks to UK aid from the UK government, United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR), the governments of Taiwan, Germany, Thailand, the Philippines, South Korea and Japan.