Eastern and Southern Africa
World Vegetable Center
Eastern and Southern Africa
Duluti, PO Box 10 Arusha
+255 736 631440
The Center’s African regional program began in 1992 in Arusha, northern Tanzania. Today the World Vegetable Center has professional research and development staff working across Africa on important vegetable crops such as tomato, pepper, onion and cabbage, as well as a range of African traditional vegetables, and partners with more than 40 national institutions and many international organizations.
The Center operates three regional bases in Africa: in Tanzania for Eastern and Southern Africa, in Mali for West and Central Africa – Dry Regions (established 2014), and in Benin for West and Central Africa – Coastal and Humid Regions (2017). There is a liaison office in Cameroon to reach into sub-Saharan Africa with improved vegetable varieties and production technologies.
The vegetable sector in sub-Saharan Africa is severely underdeveloped and vegetable consumption is extremely low. In Africa’s diverse agroclimatic zones, there is enormous potential for smallholder farmers to produce numerous vegetable crops for domestic and international markets.
Vegetables are often the most important source of cash income for smallholder farmers, and indigenous vegetables provide an important source of nutrition, particularly for poor people. New varieties and improved management methods have been developed and extended through training programs for research and extension workers and smallholder farmers.
A quiet agricultural revolution is happening, in Zanzibar…
A quiet agricultural revolution is happening, in Zanzibar… Zanzibar! The word conjures up in the mind of many, an exotic island paradise. But there is another side, not seen by the half [...]
Seeds of Change: Enhancing availability of improved vegetable varieties in Tanzania
Seeds of Change: Enhancing availability of improved vegetable varieties in Tanzania The One CGIAR Fruit and Vegetables for Sustainable Healthy Diets (FRESH) Initiative aims to use an end-to-end approach to increase fruit [...]
Dutch Ambassador Witnesses Success of SafeVeg Project in Benin: Climate-Resilient Vegetable Varieties Thrive in Local Conditions, Paving the Way for Sustainable Agriculture
Dutch Ambassador Witnesses Success of SafeVeg Project in Benin: Climate-Resilient Vegetable Varieties Thrive in Local Conditions, Paving the Way for Sustainable Agriculture On 16 November 2023, the Dutch Ambassador in Benin, Mr [...]
Increasing vegetable production and consumption in Burkina Faso
The World Vegetable Center is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year. After events in Benin and Mali, WorldVeg director general Marco Wopereis and West and Central Africa regional director Malick Ba visited Burkina Faso (20-22 [...]
From sun to shelf – improving vegetable drying in Nigeria
From sun to shelf – improving vegetable drying in Nigeria In the bustling vegetable markets of Kano State, Nigeria, dried vegetables have emerged as a profitable business over the years. The traditional [...]
FRESHer vegetables in Tanzania
FRESHer vegetables in Tanzania Between January and May 2023, FRESH activities reached 1,585 people including 745 women, 20 village and ward leaders, and 15 government extension staff. The Fruits and Vegetables for [...]