Eastern and Southern Africa
World Vegetable Center
Eastern and Southern Africa
Duluti, PO Box 10 Arusha
+255 736 631440
The Center’s African regional program began in 1992 in Arusha, northern Tanzania. Today the World Vegetable Center has professional research and development staff working across Africa on important vegetable crops such as tomato, pepper, onion and cabbage, as well as a range of African traditional vegetables, and partners with more than 40 national institutions and many international organizations.
The Center operates three regional bases in Africa: in Tanzania for Eastern and Southern Africa, in Mali for West and Central Africa – Dry Regions (established 2014), and in Benin for West and Central Africa – Coastal and Humid Regions (2017). There is a liaison office in Cameroon to reach into sub-Saharan Africa with improved vegetable varieties and production technologies.
The vegetable sector in sub-Saharan Africa is severely underdeveloped and vegetable consumption is extremely low. In Africa’s diverse agroclimatic zones, there is enormous potential for smallholder farmers to produce numerous vegetable crops for domestic and international markets.
Vegetables are often the most important source of cash income for smallholder farmers, and indigenous vegetables provide an important source of nutrition, particularly for poor people. New varieties and improved management methods have been developed and extended through training programs for research and extension workers and smallholder farmers.
Promoting forgotten food crops in Madagascar, and more…
Promoting forgotten food crops in Madagascar, and more… Darwin PM, Sognigbe N’Danikou, being interviewed by journalists At the end of 2022, the Darwin project in Madagascar formally closed after three [...]
Teaching tomato grafting in Kenya – reducing disease, improving yields
Teaching tomato grafting in Kenya - reducing disease, improving yields Dr Wubetu explaining the process of grafting to Ms Sylvia Kuria (KALRO-Thika) and Carolyne Wangungu (WorldVeg Kenya) Bacterial wilt disease [...]
Encouraging young people to embrace agriculture through the 4k club program in Kenya
Encouraging young people to embrace agriculture through the 4k club program in Kenya In Kenya, there is a popular Swahili saying, "Samaki mkunje angali mbichi," which means to bend the fish while it's [...]
Children’s meals are getting greener in Eswatini
Children’s meals are getting greener in Eswatini The government of the Kingdom of Eswatini and the Taiwan Embassy in Eswatini greatly facilitated implementation, with utmost appreciation to the government of Taiwan through its [...]
AGROVEG aim to Intensify Agroecological-Based Cropping Systems to Enhance Food Security, Environmental Safety, and Income of Smallholder Producers of Crucifers and Traditional African Vegetables in East Africa.
Advocating African Traditional Vegetables at ‘Tanzfood’ 2022 Fair
WorldVeg advocated African traditional Vegetables at TANZFOOD- the annual event for both the food industry and consumers – organized by the expo experts from KILIFAIR Promotions – Moshi/Tanzania.