New Borlaug-Ruan interns

The World Vegetable Center is pleased to announce the appointment of two Borlaug-Ruan International Internship interns for 2018. Ms. Tyler Reid, 17, from Brandywine, Maryland, USA, will study plant genetics at WorldVeg headquarters under the guidance of Genebank Manager Dr. Maarten van Zonneveld. She has explored symbiotic plant systems through the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s AgDiscovery program and with the National Park System. Mr. Chase Krug, 17, from Marion, Iowa, USA, has been conducting crop research on potatoes, corn, peas, and soybeans since his freshman year of high school. He will work out of the WorldVeg South Asia office in Hyderabad, India with Legume Breeder Dr. Ramakrishnan Nair and Visiting Entomologist Dr. Abdul Rasheed War.

2018-10-22T01:09:58+00:00May 15, 2018|Categories: In Brief, JUN2018, Welcome|Tags: , |
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