Proof is in the field
Tomato varieties put to the test to select the best for Nigeria’s farmers.
Story and photos: Caleb Olanipekun and Herbaud Zohoungbogbo | April 26, 2021
On 14 April 2021, Tomato Jos, a commercial tomato farm and tomato processing company located in Kaduna state, Northern Nigeria, hosted a tomato farmer field day showcasing 40 tomato lines and hybrids from five seed companies and WorldVeg that were grown in a replicated on-station trial.
Tomato Jos (TJ) conducts on-station and on-farm trials for WorldVeg as part of a project funded by UK aid.
About 574 participants attended the event, including Tomato Jos outgrower farmers, processors, seed company representatives, and representatives from the Kaduna State Ministry of Agriculture, including the Honorable Minister.
WorldVeg staffers Caleb Olanipekun and Herbaud Zohoungbogbo from the West and Central Africa – Coastal & Humid Regional Office introduced participants to WorldVeg R&D activities in Nigeria and the region, and also collected feedback from seed company reps eager to share their insight and observations.
At the beginning of the field day, Mira Metha, CEO of Tomato Jos, opened the ceremony and explained to participants the importance of the field day. She expressed her gratitude to WorldVeg and UK aid for funding these activities in the region. “There is a lack of improved varieties with resistance to heat and diseases in the region and these trials come as a great opportunity to evaluate and select well-adapted varieties,” she said.
Caleb Olanipekun then took the floor and gave a brief overview of WorldVeg activities in Asia and Africa, expressing the interest of WorldVeg to work with vegetable farmers in Nigeria and collaborate with organizations like TJ on vegetable R&D activities.
After the opening ceremony, participants and invited guests visited the on-station trial showcasing 40 entries (hybrids and lines) in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with 3 replications. Hybrids were contributed by seed companies (Bakker Bros, SeedCo, East West Seed, Novagenetics, Rijk Zwaan) and checks provided by TJ. The trial was at the fruiting stage with one to two harvests for evaluation.
Participants evaluated the varieties for yield (fruit set, maturity), postharvest quality (fruit appearance, firmness, shipping quality), and needs of farmers and markets using a prepared datasheet. Data from the participants will be analyzed to make further selections. The field day was also a great opportunity for seed companies to see their products in-field and appraise their varieties as well as those of WorldVeg.
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