APSA-WorldVeg Vegetable Breeding Consortium

The APSA/WorldVeg Vegetable Breeding Consortium Annual Workshop will change the way you do breeding and business!

• Learn about the latest developments in breeding research from the WorldVeg team of internationally renowned plant breeders

• Scout field trials of improved breeding material to enhance your cultivar catalog

• Meet breeders, pathologists, virologists and other researchers to strengthen your knowledge network

APSA members with an interest in plant breeding for the development of improved vegetable varieties can now tap the knowledge and expertise of an internationally renowned leader in crop research by joining the APSA/WorldVeg Vegetable Breeding Consortium.

Through the APSA/WorldVeg Vegetable Breeding Consortium, participating companies and WorldVeg researchers will have multiple opportunities to discuss and evaluate breeding approaches and discover new avenues to share data and progress. The Consortium will initially focus on tomato, pepper and cucurbits, but could broaden its scope to other crops later.

At the Annual Workshop—an event held exclusively for consortium companies—WorldVeg researchers will demonstrate new outputs of the Center’s vegetable improvement program and discuss results obtained by consortium members who test WorldVeg breeding lines at their field sites using WorldVeg experimental protocols.

During the workshop, consortium members can:

• actively participate in scientific presentations about ongoing WorldVeg research
• review selected field trials of improved breeding material, subject to weather and field condition

Consortium companies will be able to view a broad array of preliminary yield trial entries in the field at least six months before the material is made public. Participants will have the opportunity to hold discussions in groups or by appointment with WorldVeg scientists during, the day before, or the day after workshops. Participants may have early access to screening protocols or other kinds of scientific information developed at WorldVeg, provided the sharing of such information does not conflict with existing agreements or policies of WorldVeg.


11 MAY 2021

WATCH the presentations on the
WorldVeg YouTube Channel

Join the APSA/WorldVeg Consortium!

Ready to take your company to the next level? Join the APSA/WorldVeg Vegetable Breeding Consortium and discover how exposure to the latest research and closer contact with international breeders and scientists will change the way you do breeding and business.