2008-2009 Annual Highlights

2008-2009 Annual Highlights , 2009-2008 annual highlights.pdf (1.3 MiB)
2024-07-31T05:30:10+00:00June 28, 2009|

Insect and Mite Pests on Eggplant (2009)

Insect and Mite Pests on Eggplant (2009) by R. Srinivasan, editor , eb0122.pdf (2.1 MiB) - A field guide for identification and management
2024-07-31T05:30:10+00:00December 31, 2008|

APSA-AVRDC Workshop 2008

APSA-AVRDC Workshop 2008 , APSA-AVRDC_workshop%202008.pdf (0.9 MiB) - 9-10 April 2008
2024-07-31T05:30:19+00:00July 5, 2008|
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