An assessment of market opportunities for leafy vegetables in the upland areas of Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam (2010) by Genova C, Weinberger K, Acedo AL Jr. , eb0128.pdf (2.5 MiB)
Best Practices in Postharvest Management of Leafy Vegetables in Greater Mekong Subregion Countries (2009) by Acedo AL Jr, Weinberger K, eb0125.pdf (5.9 MiB) - Workshop on Best Practices in Postharvest Management of Leafy Vegetables in Greater Mekong Subregion countries, 25-27 October 2007, Hanoi ,Viet Nam
Economic Practices of Postharvest Technologies for Vegetables (2009) by Acedo AL Jr, Weinberger K, eb0127.pdf (2.2 MiB) - Greater Mekong Subregion Workshop on Economic Analysis of Postharvest Technologies,19-21 August 2008, Siem Reap, Cambodia