How to order seed
The World Vegetable Center maintains a large collection of public domain germplasm in its Genebank for the current and future use of all humankind.
We distribute seed samples of our germplasm accessions and advanced breeding lines worldwide, subject to the appropriate Material Transfer Agreements (see right).
Please review the transfer agreements and the following information before downloading and submitting the Seed Resquest Form (see right sidebar). Details of the required transfer agreements and seed processing and shipping charges will then be sent to you.
Handling Fees
Handling fees help to cover the multiplication, characterization, processing, storage and distribution of seed. Two levels apply:
1. National Agricultural Research and Extension Systems and Universities in developing countries
Import Permits
Seed requesters must provide the Center with import permits if required by the country where seeds are to be sent. The Center will not request the Bureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine of Taiwan to conduct non-routine tests that are indicated as additional requirements on the import permit. It is up to requesters to arrange with their respective plant quarantine offices for post-entry quarantine.
- Download the Seed Request Form