stories from the March 2017 issue of FRESH

Departures from Headquarters

WorldVeg HQ bid farewell to Plant Pathologist Rishi Burlakoti, who is pursuing new opportunities with Agriculture and Agri-food Canada. His research there will focus on diseases of key high value horticultural crops including small fruits, field and greenhouse vegetables in Fraser Valley areas of British Columbia. Best of luck, Rishi!

2017-03-13T07:35:54+00:00March 13, 2017|Categories: 2017 FRESH archive, FRESH, MAR2017, Transitions|Tags: , |

Promoting traditional vegetables in Papua New Guinea

Traditional vegetables once provided a large proportion of the daily protein, vitamin and mineral intake in Papua New Guinea. As the country becomes integrated with the global economy, however, people are consuming more imported processed foods and are eating more meat. Groups in PNG are working to promote consumption of traditional crops to improve nutrition and health. --MORE--

Bangladesh genebank specialists strive to maintain seed quality

At the request of the Bangladesh seed industry and with financial support from seed companies, WorldVeg South Asia organized a three-day training course on “Maintaining Seed Quality” from 16 - 18 January 2017 at the Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI) in Gazipur. --MORE--

2017-03-13T01:42:04+00:00March 13, 2017|Categories: 2017 FRESH archive, Articles, FRESH, Latest News, MAR2017, South and Central Asia|Tags: , |

How to produce the best dried vegetables

Short growing seasons limit the availability of vegetables in many locations in Africa and Asia. The World Vegetable Center is tackling this problem by promoting consumption of dried vegetables when fresh vegetables are in short supply. --MORE--

A new season for Odisha onions

In Odisha in eastern India onions are usually grown during the dry winter or Rabi season. The World Vegetable Center has now created a profitable new alternative for farmers by promoting onion production during the wet summer or Kharif season, a practice that was never considered possible because of waterlogging problems. --MORE--

2017-03-10T09:38:22+00:00March 10, 2017|Categories: 2017 FRESH archive, Articles, FRESH, Latest News, MAR2017, South and Central Asia|Tags: , , |
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