Pumpkin flowers ready for market sale.

Pumpkin flowers ready for market sale.

Common Names
Pumpkin, winter squash, crookneck squash (En); courge musquée, giraumon (Fr); auyama, calabaza, calabaza moscada, tamalayote, zapallito coreano (Sp); 南瓜 (Cn)

Plant Distribution
Central and South America, sub-Saharan Africa

Edible Parts
Flowers, leaves, and young stems are blanched, boiled, or stir-fried, or added to soups and stews. Fruit is baked, fried, boiled, mashed, or dried.

Health Values
Beta-carotene: medium in shoots; vitamin E: medium in shoots and fruit; riboflavin: medium in shoots, low in fruit; ascorbic acid: high in shoots, medium in fruit; calcium: medium in shoots, low in fruit; iron: low in shoots and fruit; protein: 4.0%.

Read more: Pumpkin, in Discovering Indigenous Treasures: Promising Indigenous Vegetables from Around the World. 2009. AVRDC – The World Vegetable Center.