The WorldVeg East and Southeast Asia team enjoyed a one-day retreat at Lake Heaven, Kanchanaburi, Thailand on 15 December 2016. WorldVeg Socioeconomist Pepijn Schreinemachers took this opportunity to travel from his current base in Chiang Mai to introduce himself and participate in the fun. The group took on diverse terrestrial and aquatic team challenges, with the water slide dividing the brave from the sensible. Physical and mental abilities of teams were tested and it was perhaps not surprising that the competitive team led by super-fit Cucurbit Breeder Narinder Dhillon triumphed in the end. Games of boules, volleyball, and challenges with balloons, hoops and eggs (ingeniously designed by Ying and O) produced other team and individual successes. This was a rewarding day that allowed everyone to relax after a year of hard work and to enjoy each other’s company in the true Thai sense of teamwork and fun (Sanuk; สนุก)!

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