Assessing the sustainability of vegetable production practices in northern Ghana

An ethnographic study was conducted in Tamale, Northern Ghana, to understand whether vegetable gardening was a sustainable form of intensification. The study found that urbanization has prompted an increase in the cultivation of highly profitable vegetables like cabbage. However, they are irrigated with grey and waste water while eaten raw. This, and the use of pesticides in high dosages, poses health and environmental hazards. Industrial growth has reduced the area of open space urban agriculture by 8.7% between 2008 and 2014. Farmers cope with this by cultivating on interstitial spaces and moving to periurban fringes.

Nchanji, E.B., Bellwood-Howard, I., Schareika, N., Chagomoka, T., Schlesinger, J., Axel, D., Rüdiger, G. 2017. Assessing the sustainability of vegetable production practices in northern Ghana. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL SUSTAINABILITY. online.