Anemone (Nymphoides hydrophylla)

40 Anemone Leaves_smweb

Common Names
Anemone, water skin lotus, crested floatingheart (En); faux-nénuphar, petit nénuphar (Fr); camalotillo variegado, ninfoides, gencianas acuáticas (Sp); 龍骨瓣莕菜, 野蓮 (Cn)

Plant Distribution
East and Southeast Asia

Edible Parts
Leaves and false stems are eaten boiled or stir-fried.

Health values
Beta-carotene: medium in edible parts; vitamin E: low; ascorbic acid: low; calcium: low; iron: low; protein: 0.7%.

Read more: Anemome, in Discovering Indigenous Treasures: Promising Indigenous Vegetables from Around the World. 2009. AVRDC – The World Vegetable Center