Wednesday 6 August 2014 — AVRDC Director General Dyno Keatinge, Deputy Director General – Research Jackie Hughes, and Nutritionist Ray-yu Yang participated in a webinar on “The Need for Dietary Diversity” hosted by Food Tank, the Think Tank for Food, on Wednesday, 6 August 2014 from 07:00 – 08:00. The hour-long discussion was moderated by Dani Nierenberg, Food Tank founder. Drs. Keatinge, Hughes and Yang discussed malnutrition, overcoming under- and over-nutrition, the intergenerational transfer of malnutrition, nutrient density of vegetables, traditional and global vegetables, consuming the recommended 400 grams of fruit and vegetables daily, and the need for dietary diversity and properly balanced diets with a global audience.

READ MORE How Vegetables Can Save the World
Huffington Post, 5 August 2014
