Sweet bitterleaf (Vernonia hymenolepis)

58 Leaves_smweb

Common Names
Sweet bitterleaf, bitterleaf (En); vernonie douce, vernonie, ndole (Fr); vernonia (Sp); 鱗斑鳩菊 (Cn)

Plant Distribution
Sub-Saharan Africa

Edible Parts
Tender leafy shoots are eaten boiled or in soup, or finely cut and dried to garnish other dishes.

Health values
Beta-carotene: high in leaves; vitamin E: medium; folic acid: medium; ascorbic acid: high; calcium: medium; iron: high; protein: 3.8%. Leaves contain sesquiterpene lactones and steroid glucosides that show antiparasitic and platelet anti-aggregating properties.

Read more: Sweet bitterleaf, in Discovering Indigenous Treasures: Promising Indigenous Vegetables from Around the World. 2009. AVRDC – The World Vegetable Center