Low-cost portable hydro coolers

Rapid cooling (precooling) soon after harvest to remove field heat from produce is essential for optimal keeping quality. A simple, low-cost and portable hydro cooler was developed consisting of a frame made of GI pipes with a lining of woven bamboo slats and plastic sheeting. Water is then added and cooled using ice. When used with tomato it can slow fruit reddening and maintain quality.


  • Assemble the different parts of the hydro cooler.
  • Add potable water and place crushed ice until the water temperature reaches 10ºC.
  • Dip produce in crates into the cooled water until the internal fruit temperature reaches 10-13ºC. Ordinary bulb thermometer can be used to monitor fruit temperature.
  • Remove the cooled fruit, remove excess water, and store at ambient or cold condition.