Ashitaba (Angelica keiskei)

Common Names
Ashitaba (Jp); 明日葉 (Cn)

Plant Distribution
East Asia

Edible Parts
Leaves and stalks are eaten raw, boiled, or deep-fried, or dried and ground for juice, dessert or other value-added products; roots cooked or pickled.

Health Values
Beta-carotene: medium to high; vitamin E: low; riboflavin: medium; folic acid: extremely high; ascorbic acid: medium; calcium: medium; iron: medium; protein:2.2%. Edible parts contain also vitamin B (normally not found in terrestrial plants; 12 function in the formation of red blood cells and nerves), coumarin (archangelicin), and flavones (chalcones that show antibacterial, antifungal, antitumor and antiinflammatory properties).

Read more: Ashitaba, in Discovering Indigenous Treasures: Promising Indigenous Vegetables from Around the World. 2009. AVRDC – The World Vegetable Center.