Fermentation for preserving leafy vegetables

Cabbage is best fermented in a 10% salt solution over 2 days in summer and 4 days in winter, while an 8% salt solution is preferred for Chinese or green mustard. Fermentation can improve the nutritional value of leafy vegetables, but salted or fermented vegetables  have a shelf life of only 1-3 days. Using preservative solutions combined with bottling and pasteurization extends shelf-life, and can increase returns by about a quarter compared with selling the fresh produce.

  • Remove damaged leaves, detach individual leaves of Chinese mustard or slice cabbages into halves or quarters, wash in tap water, and air-dry to remove excess water.
  • Pack vegetables into clay or plastic jars tightly.
  • Pour salt solution into jar at 1:1 ratio, e.g. 5 kg vegetables:5 kg salt solution (8% salt solution is prepared by dissolving 80 grams salt per liter water; 10% salt solution is prepared by dissolving 100 gm salt per liter of water).
  • Cover the vegetables with slatted material before adding weight to compress the vegetables.
  • Allow to ferment (2 days in summer; 4 days in winter).
  • After fermentation, remove the vegetables from the jar and wash with clean water to remove excess salt.
  • Place the fermented vegetable in clean/pasteurized glass bottles or plastic pouches (300-500 gm per container).
  • Add preservative solution fully filling the container and tightly cover/seal (prepare preservative solution by mixing 3% sugar, 5% salt, 0.4% citric acid, 0.05% sorbic acid).
  • Pasteurize the bottles/pouches of fermented vegetables by placing them in water heated to 60-65ºC, and continue heating until water temperature increases to 80ºC, and maintain 80ºC for 10 min.
  • Cool in water to ambient temperature before storage.